Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I can't tell you how many times, while cooking, I've had to stop what I was doing and check on the conversion of a measurement. Too many, I'm sad to say. And, most of those times, my hands, of course have been elbow deep in some type of food mixture or other.
I like having everything I need to know about a recipe, all in one place... so we at Jayne's Crazy Kitchen are going to do just that!
This is an extremely useful chart for all your basic cooking needs. From oven temperatures to liquid and dry ingredient amount conversions. The answer you need, is probably here.
As I delve more into European cooking, I have learned to rely on this chart, more than I care to admit.

Click on the picture above to view at full size.
Our goal, at The "Crazy Kitchen"... is to eventually be one of the best "cook books"/"cooking reference books", available to you online.
We have just completed the 2nd month of our blog, and thrilled to say that we are just shy of 2,000 page views so far! That is better than we ever dreamed of!
We also know, we couldn't do it without you! So leave a comment, or make a suggestion. We love to hear from you! Better yet, become a member, and use the button on the right, to follow our site!

© 2013 Jayne's Crazy Kitchen
All pictures used are of public domain.